Mary Rogers

Mary Rogers

I created these images of Mary for her acting career, so they fall under the business portrait category. For a long time, photographers have relied on their cameras to capture stunning imagery. Cameras have traditionally served as essential tools for capturing stills of life. However, photography has expanded to our phones, which have improved significantly each year.

I decided to take on this project using just my iPhone, with some assistance from a bouncer/translucent reflector, to enhance Mary’s portraits. These images were captured on an iPhone 13 Pro Max in RAW format and edited on an iPad Pro. While it’s difficult to compare an iPhone’s images to those taken with a professional camera, I was pleased with the results from the iPhone.

The convenience of the iPhone allows me to take portraits at a moment’s notice quickly, and the images are suitable for the purpose. Moving forward, I plan to take on more assignments with my iPhone for future projects, especially small tasks where high-end quality is not a strict requirement. It was refreshing not to carry my large bag and the extra equipment I usually bring. I found that I connected more with the client, and they appeared more relaxed, likely because the iPhone felt less intimidating. I only needed my iPhone, the bouncer/translucent reflector, and my iPad.


Jose Beltran (Jose Studios)


Mary Rogers


Maria Pappas


Tucson, Arizona